Practice-integrated Dual Study Program
Next Generationeering - to us this means: working together as a team on the next industrial revolution and being enthusiastic about experiencing Industry 4.0 technology. Join our team alongside your studies in software enginnering and shape the digital future at iTAC Software.
Software Engineering (B. Eng.)

Together with the University of Applied Sciences Koblenz, Campus Remagen (Germany), we offer the dual and practice-integrated university course of studies Software Engineering. The program, which leads the students in 8 semesters to the Bachelor of Engineering degree, includes practical phases at iTAC in Montabaur (Germany). Therefore, it offers students the great advantage of getting to know the professional practice intensively already during their studies.
- 5 semesters of theoretical studies
- 3 semesters practical phase (incl. final thesis)
Practical Content
- Basics of programming
- Client-server programming with JavaEE technology
- Introduction to web technologies and mobile applications
- Project management of a product manufacturer: Analysis of user requirements and target-oriented implementation
- Conception and development of complex software architectures
- Software applications in the MOM and IIoT environment
- Use of software development tools and the analysis and correction of errors
- Presentation of solution concepts and applications in the team
- Professional and competent support and advice for our customers
Theoretical Content
More information about the theoretical contents of the program can be found here.

Aubachstr. 24
56410 Montabaur