We use cookies, similar technologies and tracking services

This website uses cookies, similar technologies and tracking services (hereinafter referred to as “Cookies”). We need your consent for Cookies, which not only serve to technically display our website, but also to enable the best possible use of our website and to improve it based on your user behavior, or to present content and marketing aligned with your interests. For these purposes, we cooperate with third-party providers (e.g. Salesforce, LinkedIn, Google, Microsoft, Piwik PRO). Through these partners you can also receive advertisements on other websites.
If you consent, you also accept certain subsequent processing of your personal data (e.g. storage of your IP address in profiles) and that our partners may transfer your data to the United States and, if applicable, to further countries. Such transfer involves the risk that authorities may access the data and that your rights may not be enforceable. Please select which Cookies we may use under ”Settings”. More information, particularly about your rights, e.g. to withdraw consent, is available in our Privacy Policy .


Only technically necessary Cookies

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Below, you can activate/deactivate the individual technologies that are used on this website.

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These Cookies make a website usable by providing basic functions such as page navigation, language settings, Cookie preferences and access to protected areas of the website. Cookies in this category additionally ensure that the website complies with the applicable legal requirements and security standards. Owing to the essential nature of these Cookies, you cannot prevent their use on our website. Details about these Cookies are available under 'More information'.

Functionality and personalization

These Cookies collect information about your habits when using our web pages and help us to enhance your user experience by tailoring the functions and attractiveness of our web pages based on your previous visits, location and browser settings. They also enable access to integrated third-party tools on our website (e.g., Microsoft Azure for single sign-on authentication). This can involve transferring your data to the United States (for information on the risks involved read Clause 1.5 of our Privacy Policy). If you refuse these Cookies, you might not be able to access the full functionality of the website. Details about the tools we use are available under 'More information'.


These Cookies are used to compile basic usage and user statistics based on how our web pages are used (e.g. via Google Tag Manager, Piwik PRO). If you accept these Cookies, you simultaneously consent to your data being processed and transmitted to the United States by services such as Salesforce Pardot (for information on the risks involved read Clause 1.5 of our Privacy Policy). Details about the tools we use are available under 'More information'.

Marketing and social media

These Cookies help third-party sources collect information about how you share content from our website on social media or provide analytical data about your user behavior when you move between social media platforms or between our social media campaigns and our web pages (e.g., LinkedIn Insights). Marketing Cookies from third-party sources also help us measure the effectiveness of our advertising on other websites (e.g. Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising). We use these Cookies to optimize how we deliver our content to you. The third-party sources and social media platforms we use can transfer your data to the United States (for information on the risks involved read Clause 1.5 of our Privacy Policy). If you accept these Cookies, you simultaneously consent to your data being transferred and processed as described above. Details about the tools we use and our social media presence are available under 'More information'.

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Projektierungsingenieur (m/w/d) - Test Systems/New Energy

teamtechnik Maschinen und Anlagen GmbH, Freiberg (Neckar), Germany

Your Tasks

  • Sie bearbeiten die Kundenanfragen zur Angebotserstellung auf Basis der funktionalen Anforderungen (Lastenhefte) für Funktionsprüfanlagen im Bereich Automotive / Test Systems
  • In enger Abstimmung mit dem Vertrieb prüfen Sie die Anfragen (und Kundenwünsche) und definieren Projektanforderungen.
  • Sie konzipieren und detaillieren die technischen Lösungen von der Layouterstellung bis hin zur Spezifikation und Anfrage von technischen Komponenten durch unseren Einkauf.
  • Gemeinsam mit unserem Engineering (Software, Elektro und Mechanik), dem Projektmanagement und dem Vertrieb berechnen Sie die Herstellkosten und stimmen sich abteilungsübergreifend mit Ihren Kollegen sowie dem Kunden hinsichtlich der Machbarkeit ab.
  • In der Abstimmung mit dem Vertrieb erstellen Sie termingerecht die Technische Spezifikation und Kalkulation als Basis für das Angebot.

Your Skills

  • Sie haben ein Studium des Maschinenbaus, der Elektrotechnik, Mechatronik oder Produktionstechnik abgeschlossen oder sind Techniker mit langjähriger Erfahrung.
  • Sie verfügen über mehrjährige Berufserfahrung in der Konzepterstellung, Planung und Konstruktion von Sondermaschinen und/oder Anlagenbau im Bereich Automotive / Test Systems.
  • Idealerweise haben Sie bereits Erfahrung als Vertriebs-, Projektingenieur oder Projektleiter im Bereich Automotive / Test Systems gesammelt.
  • Sie sind initiativ, denken zielorientiert und sind gewohnt, selbstständig und systematisch zu arbeiten.
  • Sehr gute Englischkenntnisse runden Ihr Profil ab.

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