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  • Header HANNOVER MESSE 2025

iTAC Software at HANNOVER MESSE 2025

Shaping the future with technology

Join us at HANNOVER MESSE 2025 from 31 March to 4 April 2025, where we'll present our latest innovations and state-of-the-art solutions for the manufacturing industry. At booth F14 in Hall 15, iTAC will showcase how manufacturing companies can efficiently optimize their production processes using both the Manufacturing Operations Management system iTAC.MOM.Suite and the analytics solution iTAC.MA.Suite. Under the motto "Shaping the future with technology", this event will bring together more than 4,000 exhibitors at the most important international platform and hot spot for industrial transformation. Get your free ticket now and don't miss the chance to connect with us! 

Hanover Exhibition Centre | 31.03. - 04.04.2025 | Hall 15 Booth F14

Get your free ticket →

Our trade fair highlights

What can you expect at our trade fair booth? Find out – and feel free to make an appointment with our experts.

Manufacturing Operations Management Suite

In a smart factory, processes, machines and systems are networked with each other to make production more agile and adaptable. Data that is collected in production processes and subsequently interpreted has great potential to further increase overall efficiency. 

iTAC's software solutions, including the proven MOM solution iTAC.MOM.Suite, offer all the functions required for networking processes. It is a manufacturing operations management system that combines typical MES functions with supplementary solutions for controlling, optimizing and predicting production processes in real time. The software is highly configurable and integrates seamlessly into existing systems, allowing it to respond quickly to specific requirements and challenges in production. In terms of interoperability, the system offers a large number of interfaces to higher-level systems (ERP, PLM, etc.). In combination with interdisciplinary management of quality, operating and machine data, measurable process improvements with increased added value are achieved. 

Product details

Manufacturing Analytics Control Suite

The iTAC.MA.Suite combines in-depth analysis and operational insights. As a tool set, it provides immediate access to essential production data and goes beyond pure real-time MES/MOM monitoring by optimizing production efficiency and product quality through streaming and batch analysis.

The suite includes three central modules: iTAC.SMT.Edge, iTAC.IIoT.Edge and iTAC.Asset.Analyzer. The machine integration platform iTAC.SMT.Edge is used to standardize and centralize data. The comprehensive, scalable iTAC.IIoT.Edge solution is used to connect, manage and analyze data from various devices, sensors and systems. It looks deep into production and is aimed at experts. The operational tool iTAC.Asset.Analyzer offers a quick and easy insight - without requiring in-depth technical expertise on the user side. It enables production, maintenance and service technicians, for example, to monitor systems and machines in real time so that well-founded decisions can be made quickly.

Product details

Get your free ticket

Don't miss the opportunity to connect with us at HANNOVER MESSE 2025! Visit our software experts in hall 15 at booth F14 and discover the latest developments in software solutions for your production systems. Plus, you can arrange a meeting with one of our experts for personalized discussions. Secure your free tickets today!

Get your free ticket →

Connect with us

Presentation at the 17th International MES Conference

02.04.2025 | 10:50 - 11:10 (CEST) | Convention Center (CC), Room 3B

Topic: “Data-driven production optimization: How the use of AI and analytics creates added value”
Speaker: Andreas Zerfas, VP Product Management

Free trade fair ticket

MES Guided Tour 

02.04.2025 | 15:15 - 16:30 (CEST) | Convention Center (CC), Room 3B

Join us for a live presentation of our Manufacturing Operations Management solution iTAC.MOM.Suite at our booth as part of the MES Guided Tour at HANNOVER MESSE 2025. 

Free trade fair ticket

Our Co-Exhibitors

In today's competitive business environment, a resilient and agile production ecosystem is crucial for standing out from the competition. GANTTPLAN, the advanced APS software from Dualis, is designed to strengthen your production by offering transparency, reliable planning, and swift responsiveness to market changes.With GANTTPLAN, you can gain complete process oversight, ensure precise planning even amidst unexpected shifts, and react promptly to demand fluctuations. Position your business for growth and leverage smart analytics and AI to navigate the market's ebbs and flows.Invest in GANTTPLAN to future-proof your production and seize the opportunities ahead for sustainable success.

Accevo is an end-to-end provider of IT solutions that monitor every stage of the manufacturing process. Systems are developed and integrated in process manufacturing facilities of any scale, implementing the out-of-the-box product along with machine connectivity and tailoring it to the unique setup of each factory. The entire ecosystem, called Smart Factory, provides an integrated seamless flow of data and information. Within its core lies an MES-class IT solution that allows the collection of operating data from production lines and visualizes them in a friendly way for all employees, enabling better and faster decisions.