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  • iTAC.Live on Stage webinars

Webinars – iTAC.Live on Stage

In our webinar series, we put our expert knowledge and longtime practical experience together to offer you a platform where you can refresh your know-how on software solutions for manufacturing companies. Watch our webinars, get exclusive looks into our Industry 4.0 solutions with live demos and contact our experts for more information on your digitalization project.

Find our past webinars here:

From MES to MOM: Microservices as building blocks for the Smart Factory

Immerse yourself in the future of manufacturing execution and learn how the use of microservices is leading the way to the Smart Factory 4.0. In this webinar, we will take an in-depth look at the architecture and platform services of iTAC's MOM solution, a Leader in the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant. We will also show how a shift from MES to MOM provides more flexibility, scalability and efficiency in production.

Manufacturing Analytics: Simplify the process of analyzing your SMT Production

In this webinar, we will delve into the challenges of identifying and mitigating the most common errors causing defects and performance loss in your SMT production. Find out how to streamline and simplify the analysis process with iTAC’s Manufacturing Analytics Control solution. We will explain how complex analytics is made accessible to all manufacturing professionals and support you in achieving actionable insights for improved decision-making and elevated performance in SMT production.

Future-proof digitization of production processes with MES/MOM

The road to a Smart Factory

The factory of the future must be capable to adapt to increasingly individual market requirements and face challenges in terms of competition, economic conditions and unexpected global events without any problems. Find out in our introductory webinar how an MES/MOM solution for optimizing production processes can serve as an enabler and transform your shop floor into a Smart Factory with future-oriented Industry 4.0 technology.

Think big. Start small. Scale fast.

Create unexpected synergies with manufacturing analytics by networking machines, sensors and software.

Do you already have the maximum insight and future outlook into your production? The right data acquisition and analysis in real time leads to countless advantages in global competition. By integrating analytics functionalities, the iTAC.MOM.Suite opens up new possibilities for predicting production results based on captured IIoT and MES data. In the webinar, we will show you how to easily generate added value from your machine data!

E-Mobility: Meeting Compliance Regulations with MES/MOM

Quality assurance and end-to-end process control in one solution

The shift of the automotive industry towards e-mobility not only creates new opportunities, but also challenges for manufacturers that need to be addressed with the help of IT solutions. An MES/MOM solution is used for end-to-end production control and supports the manufacturing processes of all components of an electric powertrain. Our software ensures efficient and flexible processes with assured quality and seamless traceability of production data.

MedTech: Simplify production processes and increase efficiency

Complete traceability, full compliance with all norms and quality assurance with MES/MOM

Are you considering the introduction of an IT solution in your MedTech company? The iTAC.MOM.Suite supports the production of medical devices from material delivery through manufacturing and testing to goods dispatch and ensures active traceability for a complete and transparent overview of all processes. This way, quality problems are detected in real time and all standards and requirements (ISO, FDA) are met. Find out more in our webinar!

Closed Loop: Interaction between simulation, APS and MES/MOM

The perfect interaction between a 3D manufacturing simulation platform, an Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) system and the MES/MOM solution iTAC.MOM.Suite can boost your output or your overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). This unique, pioneering project approach secures our leading position in the Industry 4.0 environment and enhances your production transparency, productivity and efficiency.

New possibilities in the manufacturing world with "Flexible Production”

Automatic control of material flow and optimized production utilization

The production of the future is flexible and scalable, replacing formerly rather rigid production processes without intelligent material control. Transport Control by iTAC follows the trend and enables the automatic and flexible control of transport orders using AGVs with the help of the "Flexible Production" functionality. In the webinar, you will see with various live demos of our software how you can manage your production orders, optimize them and plan ahead.